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焊接,它常用于Ⅰ形坡口的对接平焊,多层焊的第一层焊或多层多道焊,采用这种运条方法焊接时,焊条末端做连续三角形运动,并不断向前移动,将焊条末端对准焊件,然后手腕下弯,使焊条轻微碰一下焊件,再迅速将焊条提起2~4mm,引燃电弧后手腕放平,使电弧保持稳定燃烧,二保焊机 薄焊多薄的铁皮,焊东西看不见焊缝怎么处理,,4、焊工在作业中会引起血液、眼、皮肤、肺部等发生病变,正品电焊机,二保焊看不见焊缝怎么办,不锈钢焊对精子有害吗,家用250电焊机大吗,二保焊对身体有哪些危害性,诸城电焊工日结,也可写作“焊接”或称熔接、?接,电焊与二保焊哪个牢,电焊进二退一怎么摆动,20年代美国制成了自动电弧焊机,二保焊的技术口诀,,3、焊条的种类选用及保管、焊接设备的型号及用途、焊接接头的形式,,如今电焊已广泛用于机械、电子、建筑、船舶、航天、航空、能源等各工业部门中,桓台索镇招聘招工信息,迁安本地焊工招聘,二保焊工一天300招聘,减肥经典句子,气割工招聘一天400,连云港招气割废铁工人,是一种以加热方式接合金属或其他热塑性资料如塑料的制造工艺及技术。
焊接氛围必需永远坚持中性或微氧化。在焊接处看到了夹渣,,(4)月牙形运条法,,绰号:钢铁裁缝,岗位要求:须持证上岗,要牢记安全操作并严格实施,电焊二保焊哪个危害大,气孔及未熔透区的油漆。电弧焊接 (electric) arc welding; 焊接资料 welding material; 焊接操作 welding operation; 焊接车间 welding shop; 焊接点 point of weld; soldering point; pad; 焊接电极 [冶金学] welding electrode; 焊接电流 [电工] welding current; 焊接电源 source of welding current; welding source; 焊接办法 welding method; 焊接缝 flog; soldering joint; 焊接工 weldor; 焊接工艺 bonding technology; 焊接机 bonding machine; soldering machine; 焊接检查 welding inspection; 焊接件 weldment; 焊接强度 weld strength; 焊接缺陷 weld defect; 焊接熔池 welding pool; 焊接深度 depth of weld; 焊接温度 welding temperature; 焊接质量 welding quality 它是由两条薄薄的不同金属片焊接在一同而构成。Slag, blowholes, and paint on unfused regions were observed at the welded junctions .
Care must be exercised in attaching the lead wires to the soldering tabs .
A specialized burning rack is used in the second step .
The all-welded, a-frame pylon straddles the deck .
The welding conditions should always be neutral or slightly oxidizing .
The observed friction force is the force required to break these tiny welds .
更多例句: 1
weld; welding; soldering; seal; sealing; sealing-in; shutting together
音标:[ hànjiē ] 发音:
全焊接的A形框架式的塔柱与桥面叉开。全部技术性的焊接和装配活都由正式工人担任。All skilled welding and fitting was done by regular employees .
It consists of two thin strips of dis﹣ilar metals fused together .
The bars were welded to the deck plate .
These include gusset plates welded to the flange .